We’re Building Strong Reputation

Group of Volunteers Against Cancer "Agaliazo" of Western Greece

The purpose of the AgaliaZO Group is:

  • Voluntary provision of humanitarian aid to individuals or groups of the population
  • The psychosocial support of cancer patients and their families, as well as the information of their families on the way of care, but also the special characteristics of these people, the avoidance of their marginalisation and the development of the conditions of decent, safe and healthy living.
  • The provision of support services, education, promotion actions in the labour market, activities to improve and organize the lives of vulnerable social groups.
  • The organization of meetings, workshops, lectures, seminars, symposiums, publicity and awareness-raising activities of the community, local and national bodies for the needs of vulnerable cancer groups and their families.
  • The development of actions within the borders of Greece, but also across borders to promote the rights and needs of cancer patients and their families, as well as to improve the quality of their lives.
  • Informing and raising public awareness, health policy makers, health and social security service providers, social actors, cancer patients and their organisations on issues of screening, early diagnosis and treatment of cancer and psychosocial rehabilitation, as well as on the rights of cancer patients as defined by the Constitution, the current legislation , European Union law and in general the internationally applicable rights and quality care of cancer patients.
  • Actively defending the rights of cancer patients and contributing to interventions to defend, advocate and assert the rights of cancer patients to public or private providers of health and social security services, scientific, professional or social bodies, as well as to political parties, the Government, Parliament, the European Union and to any State, European or International Authority.
  • The development of ties, the dissemination of a spirit of solidarity and the cultivation of relations between the members of the Association and the members of other Associations of Greece, and other countries with similar purposes.
  • Cooperation with scientific and spiritual bodies, voluntary organisations, public and private bodies, as well as research centres and universities, both in Greece and abroad, in order to promote research and awareness of cancer patients' problems and the prediction and early diagnosis of cancer.
  • Cooperation with local and national public, private and other voluntary bodies, in order to contribute to informing the public about the early diagnosis and treatment of cancer in general.
  • The creation and participation in a federation and confederation of groups and associations with similar purposes.
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