Colon cancer

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What is colon cancer

Colon cancer is a malignancy that develops in the colon or rectum.

It's one of the most common cancers in the world.

Colon cancer

  • Unhealthy eating habits
  • The age. People over the age of 50 are at high risk
  • Family history of colon cancer or individual history of intestinal polyps or chronic colitis
  • Obesity and lack of exercise
  • Smoking
  • Alcohol




Symptoms of colon cancer


  • Blood in the stool
  • Weight loss
  • Δυσκοιλιότητα ή διάρροια
  • Bowel obstruction (less common)
  • Anemia
  • Abdominal pain or discomfort
  • Feeling that the bowel does not empty completely after emptying
  • Persistent fatigue

Diagnosis for colon cancer


The diagnosis of colorectal cancer requires a clinical examination by the competent doctor who is the general surgeon and gastroenterologist.

In addition, diagnostic tests are needed such as:

  • Colonoscopy: the most effective method of diagnosing cancer, requires the use of an endoscope and its manipulation by a qualified physician.
  • Flexible sinusescopy: not recommended in all patient groups, additional colonoscopy may be needed.
  • Ultrasound: imaging examination using ultrasound CT and MRI (imaging tests).
  • Baryus hypoclyscism: colon X-ray.
  • Virtual colonoscopy: alternative colonoscopy method for people who do not want the simple procedure.

Stages of Colon Cancer


Disease stages

-Stage I Cancer is only localized inside the intestine

-Stage II Cancer has spread outside the walls of the intestine

-Stage III There is an infection of the local lymph nodes

-Stage IV There are metastases



Colon cancer can be treated using a combination of different treatments, depending on where the cancer is in the bowel and how widespread it is.

The basic treatments are:

  • Surgery: the part of the intestine that contains the cancer is removed. It is the most effective way of treating bowel cancer and in many cases is all that is needed (depending on the stage and characteristics of the tumor)
  • Chemotherapy: The drug is used to kill cancer cells
  • Radiation therapy: Radiation is used to kill cancer cells
  • Biologic therapies: a newer drug that increases the effectiveness of chemotherapy and prevents the spread of cancer

As with most cancers, the chance of a complete cure depends on how far the cancer has progressed since it was diagnosed. If the cancer is in the early stages, surgery is usually able to remove it completely.

Nowadays, minimally invasive methods and robotic surgery are used more often, which allows surgery with less pain, fewer complications and faster recovery.

Colon cancer and diet


Eating habits affect the development of colon cancer. It has been observed that people who consume large amounts of fruits and vegetables have a lower risk of getting sick, as fiber protects intestinal health.

The same protection seems to be provided by foods rich in vitamin D, calcium and selenium. It is recommended to avoid the diet that contains fatty meats, sugar and white flour.